If you ever want to know why I love airships, this is why.
All right, so this isn't an entirely serious review of the Harry Potter series, but it's how I would have liked it to end.
No Amazon, I do not want to sell my books that I haven't even read yet.
A personal letter to Rudolf on the occasion of his taking up a new job.
After the suggestion of no-go-zones in Paris and Birmingham, perhaps the warnings don't go far enough...
Given flooding rather than snow, The Snowman needs a muddy makeover.
Some thoughts on the Kindle, and a few disadvantages of it.
A romantic image that struck me.
Death, wildlife, exercise - it's got everything.
Polish soldiers in World War Two adopted a bear cub. Their story is beautiful and poignant.
A comparison of the three books with that title, two of which were professionally published. Yeah, the other two.
Everything you need to know to encourage despair and fatalism
An open letter to the people of Scotland on their forthcoming independence referendum.
Why I don't take photos much any more, and maybe why you shouldn't either.
Aspirational parenting at its finest. And sadly most realistic.
A somewhat pointless letter from school elicits a response.
A small person's take on an otherwise "interesting" and "challenging" boating holiday in France.
Some thoughts not on what can be done now, but how things might end.
A tribute to a great man.