Dear “Cinderella”,
I recently came to see the stage documentary of your life, and while it is good that you finally escaped your unfortunate situation, I feel that some advice to anyone in a similar situation would provide a more stable outcome, and wished to share this information.
Firstly I would like to clarify your age. Assuming you are legally an adult, your situation is clearly one of domestic slavery, for which the government has set up a hotline where you can receive immediate support and from where the police can get involved.
I would question whether you are really in a ‘family’ situation, since your ‘ugly stepsisters’ (there seems no reason to resort to abuse, even in such circumstances, and perhaps this attitude may have exacerbated your problems there) are obviously cross-dressing men. I am beginning to suspect the situation is all the more sinister, especially as you have been there for a number of years. If that is the case, then obviously it is an immediate police matter, and should not be left to the random chance of an encounter with a ‘handsome prince’.
Now, on the subject of your so-called Prince Charming, it strikes me that you have not thought through your future. Only just escaping from your domestic situation, you are about to enter into a relationship without taking any time to consider your own needs or recover from what you have endured. This strikes me as a terrible idea. The fact that he went round the Kingdom declaring “whomsoever this shoe fits I shall marry” also rings alarm bells. The shoe is small, and the most likely people to fit it are surely children. There at least is a chance that he is simply grooming you, which is why I wanted to clarify your age.
All in all, you are proposing to swap one abusive relationship for what appears to me to be at best an unequal partnership, and at worst a life of servitude, just in a nicer building.
Your releasing your story as a humour-filled documentary on stage is I think a brave decision, but can only be considered as a cry for help, and I feel you should seek some form of counselling before making any commitments.
Yours, etc.